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Wauwatosa Little League

Wauwatosa Little League

When is the season?

The main (spring) season starts with indoor practices in March, transitions outdoors as weather permits, and runs through the middle of July.  Fall ball (with separate registration typically starting in July) runs from late August to early October.

When do the teams play?

The spring scheduled is released prior to the season, usually the end of April. Typically games break down as follows (but could be affected by field use or number of registrations):

  • T-Ball plays Tuesdays and Thursdays, and some Saturdays.
  • Machine Pitch plays Mondays and Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
  • Minors plays Mondays and Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
  • Majors play Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Juniors play Mondays and then sporadically.
Fall ball is played on Sundays only.

Which communities play in the WMLL?

League boundaries are defined by where you live or go to school.  Boundaries roughly include Wauwatosa and western Milwaukee.  See the Little League finder for official boundaries. 

Where does the league play?

Kops Park, Madison Park, and Schoenecker Park.  See field maps for details.

Is the league competitive?

We like to call it "introductory competitive".  Tee ball (kindergarten) is about learning baseball basics.  Starting with Machine Pitch (1st and 2nd grade), scores are kept and coaches follow the rules of the game.  The WLL select team (Bombers) is available to little league players to supplement their experience.

What's the difference between the Tosa Baseball League and Wauwatosa Little League?

The TBL (Tosa Baseball League) is run by the Wauwatosa Rec Department, while WLL  (Wauwatosa Little League)  is the official local league for Little League . The WLL is chartered by Little League, present in 6,500 communities nationwide and is the local Little League for the Wauwatosa and Milwaukee residents.

How do you use the Gamechanger App?

All the league's scheduling and communication is down through the GameChanger App. See below on how to download and message your coach.

Contact Us

Wauwatosa Little League

Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

Email Us: [email protected]
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